Thursday, February 23, 2006

Busy Sunday

I forgot to mention how busy I was on Sunday afternoon. Daughter, Hubby and Son-in-Law worked on locks for the kitchen cabinets and hung a flat screen TV in the basement. I got to play "Catch me if you can!"


  1. Cabinet locks are wonderful but they don't fit everything. I left some undone because I want Brenna to be able to explore and, honestly, it's not that much trouble to pick up! :)

  2. When my grandchildren were toddlers, I gave them a "low designated cabinet" in my kitchen and they adored it. And surprise, surprise they left the other cabinets alone. In their cabinet, I put old pots and pans and utensils and so forth. I added new (old) stuff occasionally. An old Salad Spinner was an all time favorite. And I have to chuckle when I remember another favorite of theirs. An empty Metamusal plastic jar with something inside that made a noise when it was shaken. The regular size jar just fit their little hands. Cheap thrills for the kiddies.
    Now they are 9,7,7 and 5...

  3. Actually my daughter has such a tiny kitchen that she only worked on the cupboards that contained glassware or cleansers. She has one cupboard unlocked that has all the tupperware type stuff and Xman LOVES that one.

  4. My grandmother in law likes to tell me how her kids never went into her cabinets. And my husband would whisper to me, "That's because she didn't have but two or three to go into." I think those cabinet locks are great even though I have yet to install the ones I bought 2 years ago. My daughter had no interest and my son raids the plastic container cabinet with the occasional search for a whisk in the drawers. I get annoyed when I have to keep cleaning up the mess but then it keeps him busy for such a long time. And it's cute anyway. :)

    BTW, your grandson is getting so big! Pretty soon he's going to be walking I bet. Gosh does time fly.

  5. This is the cutest picture! What a look on his face ... as if he's saying "Hm let's see ... what can I try to get into next?" Too cute.

    I had a very odd kitchen when my daughter was a crawler and toddler. Very few low-lying cabinets ... but it saved me lots of time and heartache by putting locks on them.


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