Friday, September 15, 2006

Last Week's Errand

Hubby is planning a business trip and has discovered that both of his razors have been left at the new house. So, just before ten on a Saturday night we make a trip to the nearby drugstore to pick up another razor before his flight tomorrow. I caution him that this may be a more expensive errand than he anticipated as I have run out of a number of age-stalling tools.

While looking for that great expensive face cream, I hear hubby swearing under his breath in the shaving aisle. "They don't even have my razor here. They have three--four--five razor gizmos that cost a fortune. What happened to the good old fashioned shave?" My husband hates planned obsolescence---especially that which relates to unnecessarily looking good.

I hand him my expensive cream and a jar of clear nail polish and smile sympathetically and tell him I will meet in front at checkout. I then walk to the front of the store hoping he won't take too long to pick something...anything. While standing near the front door a very thin elegant looking black woman walks in mumbling under her breath. She is dressed in black slacks, a gray sweater top with a white lace collar, pearls, silver hoop earrings and some new stylish gray baseball cap. I don't scrutinize her except to notice that she is carefully put together and about 55 in age.

She glances up at me and smiles. "Did you hear me? I am sorry. I didn't mean to be so loud."

I indicate with a nod that this not a problem and proceed to look at the newspaper headlines near the exit door.

She turns again to me and says, "It is just that I put something in the trunk of my car and slammed the lid shut with my keys and purse inside. AND my cell phone."

I suggest she may use to store to call her car club for help.

She sighs. "It is a BMW and can only be opened by a laser key and my BMW service says that they are backed up for three hours. I have an extra set of keys at Silver Oaks where I live. I just need to figure out how to get there."

I suggest she contact a police officer. I am beginning to get more uncomfortable with this whole conversation.

She grasps my hand with her thin bony one which is so very cold and smiles and introduces herself. She is a lawyer downtown and she rattles off some firm's name. "You can call this number and see that I am not lying." She hands me a card. Then she goes on to explain the laws of liability which police officers are under that precludes their helping her.

OK , now I have caught on and am really uncomfortable. I study her thin face and realize she was probably quite beautiful in her day.

"If you could just loan me cab fare, about $30.00 I will pay you double that when I come back to open the car outside."

My husband (who is incredibly naive) shows up and I cut the conversation off before he gets me in deeper than I want.

"All I have is $5.00 but maybe you can get more from someone else." I cram the money into her hand and grab hubby's elbow as I direct him out the door.

Outside I say aloud. "God, I hope I didn't contribute to her cocaine habit."

Hubby pats me on the shoulder and answers matter-of-factly..."You probably did."


  1. My husband must be related to Dave...Hehehe!

  2. Oops! Your husband related to mine. Brain works faster than fingers!

  3. Yikes. Scary stuff. In my area it's usually people running for a last minute video and a few scragglies getting beer.LOL! I hope you know that I am the former!

  4. having lived in atlanta for most of my adult life and working in downtown atlanta much of that time, i have met my own share of drug addicted con artists and have contributed on more than one occasion to someone's habit while trying to do the "right" thing.

    after being asked for money for food more times than i could count, i finally learned to say that i would go buy the food and bring it back to them - asking what they might like to eat. many times they did not even answer me!

    once the money i gave for a small auto repair for a broken fan belt (2 young children in the hot car) was spent in a nearby liquor store while i rode around the block and watched! that was the last good deed i did with money deposited in anyone's hand.

    i am so curious i would have been tempted to check her out later just to see if she was who she said she was! ;)

  5. What a con artist. At least you didn't contribute the whole $30 but just $5 I am not sure I would have done that. I was afraid she was going to ask you to drive her to her way.

  6. Reading this I am soooo happy I live in Alaska! I have been approached by a stranger once in the last 14 years, and she wanted to know if I could give her a bus token, which I gladly did. (She said she had seen me on the bus, so she guessed I might have one.) I would hate to have to wonder if someone was trying to con me, and yet I remember that before I moved back up here, I did it regularly.


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