Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Johnny Depp and My Grandson

What does Johnny Depp have to do with my grandson? Well, pay attention and I will draw the lines.

Hubby has been on travel for quite a while and so, like the typical person I am, I spend a lot of time channel surfing when he is gone. I can watch 15 minutes of something and then jump to something else for a short time and then onward to the next batch of schlock. Once in a while I do find something that I watch to the end. But without hubby, who approaches everything very linearly (I don't think that is a word.), I don't have to stay on one channel. Linear...lines?...yes, I am getting to drawing them, patience.

I was hanging ten with the remote when I came across the biography of Johnny Depp. He is one of the most interesting actors around these days as well as sexy in a very odd but acid-taking-intellectual way. I had to stop and watch the interview and the biographer's comments. While watching there is always this little voice in the back of my head that keeps saying "He's just BS-ing everyone. He isn't really like that."

As I watched I told myself (with hubby gone I talk lots to myself---even out loud many times), "He never steps out of character from interview to interview, so maybe he is true blue."

Then he said the following (which due to my age and memory skills I clearly paraphrase.)

"It all about family. I mean hanging out with them. If it is a 12-hour-day of Barbie, than so it is. That is what it is all about."

See, he IS BS-ing! I just spent an 8-hour day keeping my grandson out of trouble while his parents packed up their house for the upcoming move. We did 1 hour of trains, 2 hours of push the cart around the park/playground, 5 minutes of swinging, 1 hour of trains, 30 minutes of hide-and-seek, 30 minutes of attempted lunching, 30 minutes of watching High-5 on TV and 1 additional hour of wandering from room to room and finally a drive in which he fell asleep. The return from the car in 20 minutes meant he was still sleeping in my arms as I sat down on the sofa and parents assured me he had to stay there in my arms. So there was another 2 hours of napping--which in spite of my tone here really is heaven on earth.

Now, please try to counter my argument.

1) No child that I know does 12 hours of ANYTHING unless there are medical problems.
2) No parent or grandparent could remain sane if the child did 12 of hours of anything.
3) 2 hours of any activity while fun quickly becomes enough for any adult with a brain!

I want a video of Johnny Depp playing Barbie with his child for 12 hours on YouTube.


  1. Well, he was just summing up. What he meant was 6 hrs. of Barbie, 10 minutes of Ken, then 5:50 of Barbie. Check it out: It all adds up.

  2. I'd like to see that one too! I can't believe what YOU did in one day. lol

  3. We watched the same bio. I missed the Barbie statement, though. I did catch the one where he asked the reporter "Are you going to change your underwear tomorrow?"


  4. Leave it to Hoss to count it all out for you!! He's right. And I never saw a child do anything all day long!

  5. Peruby, was that a pun?!!

  6. Good Lord! I didn't even catch it! Sick I am!


  7. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Barbie, no, but I do remember playing monopoly with my daughter for what felt like hours on end --I hate playing games, that might be it. :)
    I saw Pirates of the Caribbean yesterday, and enjoyed it.

  8. Maybe Johnny Depp will reply to this post at some point. :-)

  9. If they put it on YouTube, it would take 12 hours to watch. I don't think anyone could do that, even if they were doing something else at the same time.

    And what kind of values is this man teaching his daughter? Barbie?

  10. I would watch 12 hours of Johnny Depp doing ANYTHING!


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