Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Center of the Universe

I am pretty sure my mother thought, for a very short time, that I was the Center of the Universe. After all, I was the first born of five sweet cherubs. The first of five smart futures. The first of five beautiful replicates. Unfortunately, she got over that idea in a few short months. Fortunately, I have never really accepted her theory that I am not one of the most important people in the world and that the Cosmos is not linked to the date of my entry into the world. Why, you may ask, in your serious interest in my life, do I think this? BECAUSE, recently this was confirmed by a number of cosmologists---note I did not write cosmetologists. (They are too expensive.)

I never have been much of an "end of days" or "apocolypse" person. S**t happens and we don't need to try to predict it. (Believe me, after living with two small people in diapers I know this.) But I saw a re-run of a program on TV a few nights ago and found that the Mayan Calendar ends on my 66th birthday. According to this calendar the poles of the earth and the magnetic forces shift on my 66th birthday. There is some re-alignment of milky way...I mean, are you surprised...really?

On August 3rd, the History Channel aired a program about my 66th birthday. See! According to the documentary my birthday will start a cataclysmic event in the history of the earth or perhaps it will mean an opportunity for monumental change for the good depending on which expert you believe. The History Channel is favoring disaster it appears, because after all, it sells. Disasters with blondes (Hilton, Spears, Lohan) sell. Why not disasters of the world? (Disasters with our illustrious leader are not nearly as commercially significant to the media...maybe too predictable?)

But some of the touchy feely experts think this change is going to be a transition to a better way of life. Go on and read this, I will wait.............And why not? I think that this version is just as good. (I sent my hubby this link and he sent me an email saying that this was perfectly understandable since marrying me was the beginning of his life...I know are sooo jealous.)

Regardless of the outcome, it will happen on my 66th birthday. Let's all get together somewhere cool and celebrate!


  1. Such a funny post! I remember the first time I read about 2012. It seemed so far away then. I can hardly believe that it will be here before we know it!

  2. Gosh I will be 66 also! only I think I am gonna be 11 months OLDER than you. Jan 11, is MY 66th!

  3. Love reading your aging post! Very witty and humorous, too.

    Thanks for your visiting on my blog!

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. Just let me know where, I'll be there!

  5. Let's start the party now! LOL I'm still sick but pics are posted. :)

  6. Golly. You want to be the Eve of Destruction? I think that date, by the way, is when I am due for my first reincarnation. Maybe I can come back as you...

  7. I read this a day or two ago in my lunch hour at work, but found that blogger comments were filtered, and I couldnt comment! I actually read the linked item. It stopped me from dozing off over the computer, on a particularly boring day at work!

  8. I don't think the Mayans said the world is going to end, but their calendar does mysteriously end there. Their not the only ones who have predicted such stuff around the same dates. Hopis and Edgar Cayce did too. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true. I wouldn't be surprised if it weren't true.

  9. Well, any excuse to party, I always say. Horse, if you come back as me, you better be nice to the grandkids!


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