Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where Have All the Leaders Gone?

A month ago I heard Jim Webb, best selling author, on National Public Radio talk about America's current situation. I liked so much what he said and even more so the tenor of his speech that I immediately ordered his book "A Time to Fight, Reclaiming a Just and Fair America." I am not as smart as I should be and I really didn't know anything about Webb prior to this radio interview and prior to reading this book. He is a bestselling author, a former much-decorated marine, an award winning journalist, a highly placed member of the Reagen administration and now a Senator with a son who fought as a marine in Iraq.

I have just finished this book and was relieved to find that intelligence and common sense do exist in at least one member of the Senate these days. This is not a fun read nor a beach read, but something that helped me put together the pieces of the puzzle that form the picture of America today. This book reassured me that leadership of the right kind can set this country back on track. Rome is burning, but its citizens can put out the fire with this election.

"In short, our problems are not systemic, as in those of other countries where despair, tyranny, and revolution became the order of the day. ..Our challenges are not in repairing our system of government but in improving the way we have been selecting our leaders. .. Those who do not want significant reform in America enjoy the emotional arguments that occupy hours of political commentary while keeping our citizens distracted from the issues that truly threaten our future. Should we imprison people who burn our flag? Should gays be permitted to marry? Can you love the troops and still hate the war? Should Britney spears be allowed to keep her kids? Did Charlie Wilson use cocaine?...

"We need to get past these artificialities and focus on the long-term good of the country. And today, the inalienable bottom line of solving America's may problems is to simply find good leaders and hold them accountable."

I saw the most recent debate and I am voting for the candidate who was not condescending, could look his opponent in the eye, dismissed simple solutions, and kept all options open, including diplomacy, in solving the worlds most dangerous problems. America is not about looking tough but about being tough.


  1. Thank you Tabor, for your nice greetings on my blog annniversary! I am glad with your friendship!

  2. amen!

    all the smirking and sarcasm during the debate initially angered me, but eventually i became amused and then a bit saddened by how foolish he looked and acted. he has changed a lot over this past year, or his true colors are finally showing. i was also surprised by the impulsivity of his demeanor last week. i like the steady, calming influence of a leader who remains clear and focused in the urgency of the moment. obama has shown exemplary leadership style.

  3. I wonder what Webb's judgment of Reagan was when he served under him? And whether/how he would hold him accountable for tripling or quadrupling the deficit?

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I thought McCain's condescension was like Gore's sighing but not many in the press said a word about it. I'm so sick of (as Peggy Noonan said) BS narratives driving election and even sicker of cowboys and mavericks.

    Jim Webb came to speak here in Floyd at the Country Store. He's a good example of the moderate intelligent salt of the earth Scotch Irish stock.

    I heard him on Terri Gross reading excerpts from his novel. It was very well written and edgy.


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