Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dancing with Moonbeams

Most houses have ghosts. I am sure that one has heard those whispered conversations heard in the late evening when you are sitting by the fire or curled up in your favorite chair with a good book and sitting all alone. You look up and wonder if that was a laugh you just heard or was it just the blinds moving in the breeze. You hear a footfall in the empty hallway and you freeze with the bookmark in hand and turn your head ever so slightly to the left. It is just the bones of this old house creaking, you tell yourself and return to the poem. Someones' laughter and someones' tears are hidden deep within the shadows of the corners of those rooms. Important lives passed this way. Sometimes they feel safe and come forward, but you don't know this, or you deny it. On a lazy sunny afternoon as your eyes close and you begin to drift off to sleep, they gather together and dance around the floor with the moving sunbeams that drift across your favorite carpet.

My house is new. No ghosts have set up residence just yet. Thus when I hear creaking and groaning, I know that it is the spirit of the house settling into these woods planning for the many years to come and making room for the ghosts. My hubby and I will be the first spirits to linger in the shadows some winter evening. Will we be too shy to laugh and will we still have the same arguments? Will the click of my camera shutter startle some late night reader? Will we be willing to make room for other spirits? Will the sound of my grandchildren's footfalls skip down the hallway and interrupted by the sound of their giggle before they hide? Will we dance with the moonbeams in the late evening as the new owner falls asleep before the fireplace? I hope so.


  1. We left our ghost in the house in Kansas and often wonder if Morris misses us.

  2. I often see a shadowy presence on the floor to my left when I am sitting in my recliner at night. I could swear it is the spirit of our last dog - Muffin - and while I was glad to see her go when it happened, I do miss her now and then.

    The last people who lived in this house (over 28 years ago) got divorced after they moved out. I am sure that their spirits are roaming elsewhere - and for that I am glad.

  3. The old farm house that I moved to and renovated over 30 years ago - I use to have the thoughts if only the walls could talk.
    All the spirits around me were kind and I moved on to new homes I created.
    I have always felt I left a piece of myself at those homes when they were sold.

  4. I love the phrase "dance with moonbeams" - so poetic.

    When I moved into this townhouse I was the third occupant. I still hear strange noises that I can't identify and wonder if the old couple who lived here first are happy with the improvements I have made or if they wish I had left it the way they did when they died.

  5. What a thought provoking post. I often feel something get on the bed with hubby and me late at night. I freeze, then look at my husband to see if it was possibly him moving around and nope, he is as still as the air.

  6. No ghosts here either, but I had ghosts in my big old Victorian house. They haunted me for years, and when the house burned down, I felt liberated.

  7. I was haunted by the ghosts of my brothers once in my house. It nearly scared me to the other side myself!

  8. Beautiful sentiments in your post, Tabor. We often think about ghosts in our homes or in others' but I'm not so sure I've ever heard anyone express their consideration of being one, one day. When put that way, it makes it all seem so innocuous.

  9. My sister and I were just speaking of this yesterday! That is so odd! I told her all houses probably had somebody die in them. She built hers, so it hasn't happened yet with her house. Such a conincidence.

    I think my pets have scared away my ghosts for now. I just attribute all noises to them. (The pets).

  10. Beautiful done. We have lived in so many houses, some with spirits, some without. I prefer the ones with spirit so far.

  11. What a beautiful post, Tabor! My house is new too, but maybe one day we will be the ghosts in it. :) I do believe that my beloved Badger comes to visit us at night, tho.

  12. You really are a good writer! Loved this! Sorry about PC but there are many trojen scams out there too.


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