Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hollow Whistle

She is biting sharp like the blade of a knife and as cold as the last song of the loneliest sparrow.

This confident weather has thrown me to the ground and has me gulping parchment air.

There was a time when winter was fresh like sparkling ice milk
and soft and delicate like downy white feathers.

There was a time when winter was a novelty
like an antique satin music box
with glittering snow fairies twirling to winter waltzes.

Now is the time when the death rattle of paper leaves is gone
and the birds have cloaked themselves with the dark green thorned holly leaves
or shrouded themselves deep in the barbed rose tangle, huddled frozen puff balls.

Now comes the time when bleak shadows are dark and long witches fingers
and the sun seems embarrassed to try and play the game anymore.

The glow of the water's surface has become opaque steal gray.  The trees bare arms plead silently for forgiveness.  The wind whistles smoothly on its way past us all.

I am a coward and will hibernate until the days grow long once again.

(Everyone has posted such lovely words on winter and I am feeling gray and brave enough to post the other side...)


  1. And such a beautiful set of words they are!!

  2. I'm with Kenju. Your words made the post so lovely it masked your underlying meaning of how ugly winter is.

  3. both realities are true...all depends on the moment and the turn of the heart from which we are looking.

  4. So true on many days but it doesn't take too much to make it fresh again.. if only for a little while. I'm watching that happen right now.

  5. Well, come out here and visit us. Greyhounds are the cheepest. You can stay in an elderhostel for little, and lay in the fog on the beach while telling me where to go. LOL

  6. I am truly intrigued by this post, very nice. Oh, and by the by, you'll hear no 'nice words' for winter from THIS corner... :}

  7. even so, these words are lovely

  8. Colder than all get out here today. North wind, no thanks.

  9. Such great words, if not necessarily in favor of the lingering winter! I am starting to notice that now is the time when the light is changing, the days are getting noticeably longer as I wait with bated breath for the arrival of spring!

    It will be here soon!

  10. Beautiful are your words - I feel that cold winter chill, see the bleakness and can hardly wait for Spring. Today - just wish the sun would shine and the weather man would not be sharing that we may get more snow tomorrow :(

  11. I too feel the cold and it claws at me. Takes my breath away with it's cold wind!! I long for spring...where oh where are you??

  12. oh, this is wonderful!! you have really captured the feel of a long winter. well done!!

  13. ...hazy shade of winter is pale poetry compared todays words from poetress Tabor! Lovely

  14. WELL---one thing about winter that most people love is that it is a time where reading can be caught up... Just sit in a big chair, cover up, enjoy the fire in the fireplace and READ to your heart's content....


  15. Oh Tabor, what an evocative photo and the words match it too. I've just been working on a post for my own blog for tomorrow and I realise how lightweight it is - yours is just what I wanted to say. We had just been for a winter walk and I was trying to find something to photo and make sense of the winter sleep. Thank you for such a beautiful post. Maybe you and I are in a similar place spiritually at the moment.

  16. Well, I do get how you could look at winter like this. Yes. But there is an aspect to hibernation that I truly relish: the long nights, the warm blankets, the stark colors. And you, who say you don't favor black and white photos, have posted a wonderful one. Nice.

  17. Yes! It feels just that way here, this evening.

    And I am ready for it to stop.

  18. The truth is beautifully stated here. Winter can be lovely, but it too often out stays its welcome in the north country.

  19. Beautiful words!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I agree with you, great photo! It was taken by Joseph Robertson.

  20. If these aren't lovely words I don't know what are. Or which are.

    This a poem!

  21. I have never liked winter and always tried to hibernate until it was spring again. Your poem (for that's what it is) resonated with me.

  22. Great words on winter...
    Happy Hibernation.... : )

  23. Wonderful expression! I think that part of moving on from such moods is honoring it in some creative way. Poetry is cheaper than prozac!

  24. Wow Tabor! The words you chose to describe winter are beautifully written. You really made me visualize every little detail. I love it.


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