Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Thoughts #35 -- News Tidbits

  1. The columns of light beamed into the sky during the 9/11 memorial actually had to be turned off for a time because over 45 species of birds were drawn toward it away from their normal migrating path!
  2. If you drink at least one cup of coffee a day, you are 23 percent less likely to have a stroke.
  3. If you are not well rested you are more likely to take risks, whether it be gambling or making a serious financial I recommend you get some good sleep before negotiating on that house contract.
  4. Your cell phone is the most foolproof on getting correct time over your watch, your alarm clock, and the microwave.  We have way too many clocks in our lives.
  5. returns only kid-appropriate links if searching the internet with children.
  6. According to Robert Brady (his May 22 post) things are even much uglier in Japan since the earthquake.  Seems that even the Japanese leaders lie to their people.  Her in ego-centric USA, we no longer hear much about this tragedy.
  7. Obama's visit to Ireland was pretty exciting.  One would have thought he was a rock star...either that or the Irish get really friendly after a few pints.
  8. I finally learned where the term meme came from.
  9. I was excited about reading this.
  10. Twitter paid 40 million to purchase TweetDeck...I am so behind on this stuff.
  11. According to the New York Times "Climate scientists have told city planners that based on current trends, Chicago will feel more like Baton Rouge than a Northern metropolis before the end of this century."
  12. Marriage is on the demise according to statistics...people just want to live together.
  13. Someone discovered that the Republican candidates in the U.S. are going to "tweak" Medicare and Social Security so that instead of  a social service program, they operate more like a free enterprise service...who would have thunk this?


  1. Interesting stuff, especially about the birds and the lights. I really wish lights would be turned off a night as much as possible including at memorials except when needed for for safety and such. We're turning into a glow in the dark planet. And now off for my morning health enhancing coffee. I read "somewhere" that coffee also reduces the risks of colon cancer.

  2. Fascinating. Sorry about the birds, yes coffee, Yes, yes, and I link to Mr. Brady every day. No news from Japan here at all now. Today my focus is up after myself. Coffee seems to be considered a panacea now.

    Yup, I was up there on a ladder this morning. You would have laughed as I lifted a stack of plates down to find I had no where to put them. Three shelves sparkle now here, and I am afraid you are just going to have to do your own. LOL

  3. Since I started carrying a cell phone, I never wear a watch anymore, even though I have 3 of them.

  4. I didn't know any of these things. Thanks for getting me up to speed!
    I had no idea!
    I love me my coffee in the who knew!!!

  5. I am most happy to learn the origin of the term "meme".

  6. My daughter loves the heat. She is looking at a job in Chicago, and I was planning to talk to her about the weather. Now, it looks like it may be a moot point. :)

    Thanks for the updates. Glad to always find you here!

  7. I hope tea works as well as coffee. I'm going to pass #3 on to my husband.

    I didn't even know that Obama went to Ireland. I have been out of the news loop!


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