Saturday, April 27, 2013

No Sweat

For those who follow my blog (all others will just have to catch up), I did go out and buy an 'off-the-rack' dress for the wedding.  I spent more than I wanted to but did not splurge outrageously although one woman's splurge is another man's golf allowance for the week.  I actually had little choice in style or cost, because after hitting 4 major department stores and two expensive dress boutiques, I found only two dresses in the right size, in a decent color and with a style that wouldn't leave them laughing.  That whole experience I will save for another post when it is far enough in the back of my memory and I can try to make it sound funny rather than pitiful.  Anyway, I got a dress that I liked if not loved.  I left it for alterations, so no photo.

But, this post is not really about the dress.  It is about my health.  I have had a 'small' (small meaning I am about 5 pounds from being declared overweight) weight problem since I was in my late 40's and it has gotten overdo a pun.  I exercise sporadically, I try to watch what I eat, but I never seem to make the scale number or dress size budge.  (The few men who read this blog are now clicking elsewhere.)

I have never joined a weight group as they are too inconvenient for me.  I do not buy those weight meals because I understand portion control and nutrition very well, thank you.   I eat a reasonably balanced diet and avoid desserts most times. (While I do not give up wine or chocolate I control them tightly.)  But I decided to begin tracking what I am eating and doing so that I can make sure I am not kidding myself.  I logged onto WebMD which has charts that track your fitness burns along with your food consumption.  It is not super easy to use, but reasonable enough for someone who wants a basic outline on what they are doing to reach a goal and it is free.

I set my goal as the loss of one pound a week.  That is not a crazy goal and it was something I was sure that I could achieve.  WebMD suggested a daily consumption of 1,381 calories to achieve this goal for my age and weight.  That is not much in calorie intake, but if you exercise or do other physical activity that will compensate for more food that you eat and WebMD follows that.  Below is my second week's and physical fitness with caloric tracking in the first chart and fitness in the second.  I cannot access the first week (I guess because this is free), but it was almost identical to this week's work.  Please note that only one day did I go over my daily goal in caloric consumption---I ate a piece of lemon cream pie at a meeting.  My fitness activities include elliptical, free weights, yoga, walking, heavy gardening, etc.  I do these fairly vigorously, for instance, on the elliptical I will run 3.20 miles in about 35 minutes and I do this three times a week.  My hand weights are 10 pounds each. That is not bad for a woman past her mid-60s.  I am keeping well below my goals when I combined the physical activity with my food consumption.  Wednesday I folded laundry but was sitting that afternoon so did not include it.

For the past two weeks since I began this detailed look at my lifestyle,  I have been afraid to weigh myself but became brave yesterday because I have been really good according to these charts!  Guess what?  I GAINED two pounds!  Do NOT appease me by telling me this is just muscle.  I am really discouraged for now, but not giving up.  I will work hard for another month, and then see how I feel and weigh.  (What is even more discouraging  is hubby goes off his feed for a few days and immediately loses 5 pounds!)  Yeah, I know this story is an oldie...but it is mine for now and I am sticking to it.


  1. You sound like me including the husband. Give up one doughnut and lose weight while I can diet a month and get nowhere. Good luck with it. Weddings where there is a photograph for posterity has helped me do it before. I won't have to face that again until the grandkids get married which hopefully is many many years away and by then i might not care. Incidentally on the dresses for the weddings, I also found them off the rack. I HATED what i saw in bridal shops.

  2. Me too, including husband. He is skin and bone whereas I do the work and gain weight. I gave up chocolates and cookies for two weeks, walked and gardened more than before and gained two pounds. It MUST be muscle.

    I would like to lose ten pounds, it would help with the heart rate and energy level. Do you think I could do this? A pitiful amount when you compare it to people who have to lose 20, 30, kilos or more.

    It’s spring and I want to wear smarter clothes.


  3. How exasperating. So frustrating. Keep at it though, maybe following your own common sense rather than this program.

  4. I've found 10 pounds is much harder to lose than 50 and don't ask me why. I had no problem losing 50 pounds but for over a year I've been working to lose 10. A month or so ago I put the scales in the bathroom closet. Now I eat less than 1500 calories a day and try to limit my carbs to 120 or less as I'm pre diabetes. I have a handy app on my iPad that I enjoy using, it is called "Cal Counter" with a green apple pictured on my iPad. I admire your determination.

  5. I think I better understand my weight/workout regime (and no I don't belong to a gym) after reading this article a friend sent me...

  6. Glad you found a dress. I think that's hard to do. Thanks for the WEBMD tracker, Weight Watchers has one but it's not free. I lost 30 lbs. 2-3 years ago and cannot seem to bump off the last 10 to make it out of the overweight category. My son just started a diet and dropped 30 pounds in three weeks, mostly exercise with reduced carbs. Good for him but bleeeh!

  7. You say your weight gain started in your forties? At least you had forty thin years. Besides, I bet you look great in that dress.

  8. Few men? The few, the lucky, then, I think....

  9. I kidded myself last year (when I tried to lose weight before my daughter's wedding) and thought I could lose a few pounds so my dress would fit well. I didn't lose one pound - and I am certain the same will be true this year when I go off to my 55th high school reunion. I just have to accept that I will forever be 20 pounds heavier than I want to be - and pray the number doesn't rise.

  10. I am terribly over weight and have a heart problem to boot. Meanwhile the more I try to lose the more I gain. I believe guilt, anguish and fear add at least ten pounds each.

  11. And it is frustrating and enraging! Especially when a man can lose it almost just by breathing. Hope next week turns out better, to give you some encouragement.

  12. Very much like the other Linda, I lost 50 pounds, well, not easily, but steadily, with work. I have been working on the next 10 pounds, which keep coming and going, for a long time now without much success. Of course it's because I cheat on my calorie intake, have to get through holidays and left over food in my house, and find it harder to deprive myself of sweets than when I was on a full out campaign. But I am not giving up. It is very important to me to maintain my weight loss. I weigh myself every day, even when there is no change of even one tenth of an ounce in a whole week! I have to know my enemy and whether or not he is gaining on me.

  13. woman's splurge is another man's golf allowance for the week

    Love that!

    My husband used to be able to drop weight seemingly by just thinking thin...but no more. I believe it is related to his health conditions and the medications.

  14. It sounds like hormones are the culprit. Maybe you need to eat different combinations of food as well however, it sounds like you are doing everything right.

  15. best wishes on your weight loss...remember it takes time...and while you may have an initial spike, many do...stay after your goal and make right choices....

  16. I keep trying to lose the same 3 pounds. It's amazing to me how fat I feel with the xtra few. I weigh myself everyday to make sure it does not inch up even more because that is so easy to do. I eat a big lunch and a few bites of dessert and tea in the late afternoon and barely any supper now. I can't eat as much as I used to but even then I was always trying to lose 3 or more pounds but it was a different few back then. I have accepted what I once thought was fat at 118 (remember I am barely 5' 1." I feel awful when it hits 120, all in my middle. My hips are like boys.

  17. I am impressed by your efforts - surely they must produce some result in the end.
    Keeping fingers crossed for you.

  18. Nothin' like an important event to make us do the periodic assessment of the ol' body... no pun intended. :)

    Why, why, why can't we have uninterrupted pleasure of eating! I'm 55 and physically active, so I somehow I keep it off (minus the thorn of 3 pounds), but that donut that Rain mentioned somehow shows up if I don't run 3 miles. :(

    I know... people hate it when a mere 3 pounds is mentioned, but it's still a pain in the butt.

    But back to you... Good Luck! I sincerely wish you success, i.e. desired body weight that doesn't have to be paid for with crankiness.

    I'll be waiting to see your dress! Thanks for your input on my related post.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.