Saturday, April 04, 2015

Story Time

Still struggling with this short story assignment.  Each time I listen to a writing lesson I try to incorporate what I have learned and the darn story takes off in a slightly different direction.  As it pulls away, some threads get broken until what I have left is a rather frayed compilation of words and I must go back and repair paragraphs, scenes or dialogue so that it appears to belong to the story.  Each day I admire more those bloggers I read who can write fiction so well on their blog...and elsewhere.

On the good days my analogy is that colors start flowing into each other making magnificent new colors I had not seen emerging, but then I cannot corral the flow into the direction that I want it to go and I have some mosaic that is a free-formed artwork instead of a structured story.

The story does not have the contemporary energy that I find in stories I like to read.  My problem is that when I started to write this I was sort of in the genre of Virginia Wolfe because that had been the example given in the lesson.  Lord knows, I am not Virginia Wolfe but the rhythm and flow had been set, so just like a Yoga exercise I am going to stretch in that direction and hope that I do not fall over and break something along the way.

At least I am secure in that I now seem to have found an ending that I like and therefore my path is a bit clearer. The photo above is much like my story...poorly framed and poorly cropped right now.


  1. I have to admire anyone who can write any kind of a decent short story. My SIL has won many SS contests and has a publisher for her first novel.

  2. I admire you for taking on the short story - a deceptively difficult genre.
    And yes, the words do wander off down paths of their own sometimes, but then once in a while it turns into something better that the direction you thought you were headed.
    Don't know where I've been lately, but I just got caught up on your earlier posts and truly enjoyed your reflections.

  3. I give you a great deal of credit just attempting anything. I find it so difficult at times to even write words that make any sense That's what my wife says to me. Have a wonderful & beautiful Saturday and let the words flow. See ya.

    Cruisin Paul

  4. I do like the way you paint with words. Writing is work for sure.

  5. I find it difficult to construct a blog post sometimes that is unified and has a good ending. I'd never try a tackle a short story.

  6. Writers are their own worse critics and it's hard to get past that inner voice that says-- you'll never make it. Just keep at it and remember you are looking for your own voice and you might get surprised when your readers like that voice where it comes to your fiction as much as they like it in your blog.

  7. Keep writing! It's the key, don't stop.

  8. Short stories are tough. I usually write them long and then start pruning.

  9. I wrote some short stories but haven't for a while. One was published, but I haven't bothered to submit them anywhere. So they are just on my blog sidebar. I'm just not ambitious that way any more.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.